It's often very difficult for developers to test applications in development because of the complexity of setting up `minikube` or `k3s`, so if your small to medium sized company doesn't have a dedicated devops or QA team, it can be too much overhead. I've worked with talented engineers who struggle getting up to speed with networking in k8s because there are a litany of tools, best practices, and terms to learn (nodeport, loadbalancer, and various ingress controllers) and it's heavily dependent on which cloud provider you're using (i.e. GKS , AWS, or Azure) so that adds weeks to dev time.
This is a major problem if the team isn't well versed with devops tools (which is often the case at smaller companies) and can lead to lots of issues pushing a lot of work to a devops resource (or team) which requires setting up a separate dev/staging cluster.
I think the preferred alternative for companies that struggle with this overhead is to use a slightly more expensive managed service, especially if you're just developing a typical MVC/MV* app.