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> The capital costs of nuclear are so high the current model of marketing electricity doesn’t work.

It doesn't work because nuclear is the only power where all the externalities are accounted for. The average coal plant kills more people with radiation released from burning coal every year than all nuclear accidents combined.

But because it's nicely diffuse no one cares.

Coal is dying in the United States for economic reasons, anyway.

Yes, because natural gas is cheaper.


When people said we'd be using renewables I somehow didn't think dinosaur farts would be the largest slice of the pie.

Sorry, what radiation is released from coal? Do you mean gas emissions?


The link you provided indicates the level of radiation is negligible, so I'm not sure what your point is.

It's higher (IIRC, orders of magnitude higher) than the amount of radiation released by an operating nuclear plant.

And that number includes all nuclear accidents as well iirc

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