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I love the idea of distributed SQLite but I’m having a hard time understanding which parts of FoundationDB and which parts of SQLite are available in this implementation.

I’m guessing virtual table extensions work with this since you’re just replacing the storage engine? So we could in theory use FTS5 and even OSQuery and other extensions right?

However since this is using FoundationDB I’m also guessing we can’t use this as a serverless embedded DB since since you’ll probably need a foundation db cluster to use this. Is that right?

So if I understand correctly this is a SQLite query engine on top of FoundationDB with distributed transactions and we can theoretically use SQLite ecosystem stuff like FTS5 and datasette on top of it.

Yes it's correct! mvsqlite integrates as a custom VFS underlying SQLite's query engine, and SQLite ecosystem stuff can be used on top of it.

"The SSD storage engine stores the data in a B-tree based on SQLite." XD https://apple.github.io/foundationdb/architecture.html#stora...

Per your link they are leaving sqlite.

In the upcoming FoundationDB 7.0 release, the B-tree storage engine will be replaced with a brand new Redwood engine.

(I'm on the osquery steering committee)

In theory osquery is "just" virtual tables, but in practice there's quite a bit more that would probably make attaching it to mvsqlite. If you have a use case in mind I would love to know!

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