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With the 13.1 release last month came a substantial HN discussion centred around how cool, yet proprietary Mathematica is.


That kind of also describes every other Wolfram-related submission :/

Comparing Wolfram's other works to Mathematica would be flattering. His massive book where he proposes "A New Kind Of Science" is a long love letter to himself. I mean, I haven't tried to work on something for 20 years, but plenty did, none of them is as arrogant and utterly self-absorbed as Wolfram is. At least Mathematica doesn't print "btw, I'm a genius, and fuck traditional programming langs" every time you evaluate an expression.

His recent "Physics Fundamentals" project is even worse, I see 0 collabration or critique from mainstream physics, 0 testable predictions or actual real-world significance to all the CS-Physics mixed salad. The only thing that sorta kinda could be described as physics is that he can re-derieve some traditional physics out of the new theory with some assumptions. Despite me not being a physicist, my understanding is that this is quite low-bar for a new physics theory, almost the bare minimum, enough to not consider you a total crank, but not for anything else.

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