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Plenty of people do it. I use tpm2-totp for it. There is a key sealed in my TPM, that will only unseal for known boot stacks (firmware/bootloader/kernel). I have the same key stored in my Yubikey's TOTP application. After boot I can verify my stack by comparing a TOTP code generated by my Yubikey with one generated by the TPM.

Caveat is that security only extends into the kernel image, so for my use case I embed the initrd in the kernel image and have all the filesystems and swap on a dm-crypt volume.

I also have to unseal and reseal when performing upgrades of the initramfs and above, but I'm fine with that.

> After boot I can verify my stack by comparing a TOTP code generated by my Yubikey with one generated by the TPM.

But if you're not sure whether the system booted cleanly, then it might be compromised. If it's compromised couldn't your tools simply lie about the codes generated by both the TPM and the Yubikey so that they always match?

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