Not trying to be rude here, but what happens when the work is no longer interesting? You abandon it? Much of the work I find needs to be done - even on "cool" projects - is decidedly uninteresting (refactor XYZ, etc).
While the offer is genuine, and I'm sure you'll get some offers, I just can't help thinking that a few weeks down the line the honeymoon will wear off. Nothing wrong with that, but everyone needs to prepare for that.
Fine, but I was speaking to the offer from the OP. What if the OP doesn't find writing tests interesting? Someone else trying to pick it up later won't be so gung-ho to take up refactoring a pile of mess.
I'm not suggesting that the OP does write messy code, but that it could be if he doesn't think clean code is interesting.
I get the motivation behind the offer, I'm just not sure I'd take him up on it, even if I had a project. I do know people who have interesting projects and need help, and I'm not passing this on. I will be the one having to deal with the project when the OP doesn't find the work interesting any more, and I've no idea what shape it'll be in. I'd prefer to refer them to someone who will take on a project and see it past the interesting parts, commit to something longer term, and be prepared to deal with the uninteresting bits.
You advertise yourself as "a geek and fucking awesome developer who cares about perfect code, who can't live without learning new technologies and practices. Yep, it's me."
While you may be a great developer, and it's neat that you are interested in volunteering your time, I see minimal published work on your personal site and github - it seems like you might be better off working on small, public projects on your own and then building up to an offer like this, rather than starting from scratch, so to speak.
My five minutes of poking around yielded 1) you have a very large and active twitter presence 2) you have one blog post 3) you have an active github presence, but few public repos of your own.
I am just stating my impression. I hope you find an interesting project that fits you.
Do I get works-for-hire ownership of the IP you create? Can I put you under NDA? What recourse do I have if you walk off with my source tree?
Demand curves slope downward, but people (yes, in many cases wrongly) distrust 'free' as a bid amount.
Update: For the record, I really like the tone of your offer, and the way in which you presented it. I hope you soon get to work on something really fun!
This mightn't be the appropriate place to ask this. But. Is there anything like Google Summer of Code for non-students? I had the chance to do it a few years ago in college, and now regret not doing it. You could say, just contribute to some OSS, but it's kind of intimidating/daunting without something like a 'mentor'.
I'm leaving this here instead of contacting you through your site, that way if anyone else is interested they can take part, too.
I recently made a really simple Backbone.js extension ( that reduces load times and the number of HTTP requests an app needs to make by caching data in localStorage. It was built as part of a closed-source project, so I can't use that as an example and I haven't had time to port the standard Backbone example ( to a version which makes use of my project. What we need is the server half of the example app. It will only take a few hours to build, but I am unlikely to get to it for at least a week so if you do it first I will accept your pull request and thank you at the top of the README. (The client side of the example app is exactly the same as the standard example, but with the modified Backbone.sync pulled out.)
It won't make you famous, but it would be a very easy and useful contribution to an open source project that you could use on a resume or something.
It's really easy, if you use open source software on a daily basis. There will always be something you'd like to improve about it and personal interest is the best motivation.
Any time i've looked into this, especially whenever i've found bugs (in things like ODE), i always find stories of people submitting patches that get ignored and similar tales...i presume one has to get involved in the community first somewhat?
Depends on the project you're contributing to. True, there are projects that are more reluctant to accept "outsider" contributions, but I doubt that if you come up with a viable solution to a real problem, you will be ignored.
Found you one: Bravo is awesome. It is the cat's knees, the bird's pajamas. It's fantabulous and extaliber. </plug>
Or, if you don't feel like contributing just because I'm plugging it, then find something that interests you. There's an awfully big list of things on OpenHatch. There's also a handful of projects that might interest you, given your current track record; considered contributing to Rails or Rubinius?
Thanks to employment laws it would be illegal for any US startup to let you work for them for free; there's no legal form of volunteering for for-profit companies (save a very clearly defined educational internship where the benefit is to you, not to the company in any material form).
This seems ridiculous and unenforceable. Has anybody ever been arrested or charged with working for free?
Apparently Obama is working toward allowing people to work for free in Georgia, at least. I imagine there is some kind of slippery slope toward abuse that is of concern to some people.
What it really means is that with each person you allow to "volunteer" for you are opening yourself up to liability that they could sue for back payment of minimum wage if they ever became disgruntled. Same goes for people who work for sweat equity. This doesn't mean a startup should never make such arrangements, it just means a startup should be careful and consider the risk (e.g hiring one key employee vs having an army of volunteers).
You like working with new and interesting technologies. Here is a open source text editor that hasn't had much contributions/work done in the past year, but involves many interesting aspects like a syntax-aware highlighter (made with a parser that runs continuously), a parser that is configured in a DSL (, syntax highlighting configured with CSS, tabs in Chrome style, node.js for handling events...
Cut him some slack.
He is trying to get out of the catch 22 phase which most frankly most of us, autodidacts experience. No previous projects = No future projects.
Though my advise is, work on some cool open source projects instead. You don't have to be committed to all though the project. You can try getting into GSOC
He's real alright. I seen his somewhat bombastic and voiced style several times on HN but only recently realized he's only 15 years old :) . He's a talented fellow actually, only a bit dramatic.
I had to stop reading your page simply because my brain could not parse that font. Does it have a display issue on Chrome 15 or is it supposed to look like:
Because I see many-many stupid or boring projects on freelancing sites. It's really hard to find a worthy one. And even when I found it, it's not guaranteed my bid (even free) will win.
And I don't mind helping people for free, and building something great. So why not?
I really like the "will work on interesting projects" idea, I feel the same way generally myself.
Kind of surprised there's so much "do something besides this" feedback in the comments here, I can't see why this isn't an awesome way to find projects?
There's some amazing ideas out there that people have, why not tap into that gigantic resource pool a little deeper, eh?
While the offer is genuine, and I'm sure you'll get some offers, I just can't help thinking that a few weeks down the line the honeymoon will wear off. Nothing wrong with that, but everyone needs to prepare for that.