Has it occurred to no-one that there are better ways to validate an email than a regex?
I wrote a quick little function once after reading the relevant RFCs that scores 16/17 valid and 14/19 invalid on his test in O(n) time. I could up that but most of the failure cases are really unlikely.
Also, the test cases listed don't cover everything, like email addresses of the form "I'm in quotes @#$!!!(&^*_+="@domain.com which are technically valid.
I wrote a quick little function once after reading the relevant RFCs that scores 16/17 valid and 14/19 invalid on his test in O(n) time. I could up that but most of the failure cases are really unlikely.
Also, the test cases listed don't cover everything, like email addresses of the form "I'm in quotes @#$!!!(&^*_+="@domain.com which are technically valid.