Q: Science is 'broken' (faked / rosy bias in data and publication, less useful results, lack of public trust, etc). // "How do we ''fix'' Science?"
Hypothesis: TL;DR Goodhart's law: 'the measure became the target and thus is no longer a good measure' -- Publish or die / secure funding or die has lead to risk averse research, a lack of research into new fields, and a lack of reproduction / verification of existing research (checking the known is not 'sexy' / profitable).
Experiment: Proposal: Create a 200 year funding guaranteed tenure tracking inflation funded public domain / commons expansion researcher reward that ensures a life long appointment (and retirement) based on some other excellence requirement. Maybe revisit former initiatives like 'project paperclip' (WWII) for criteria suggestions.
Data Collection / Reports: Conduct the real experiment, for the first of at least 200 years OR until all enrolled applicants retire / expire. Issue interim reports every couple years (4, 10, something) to see if clear results contrary to the typical environment persist.
That will cost more but that’s a solution.