You are just spamming that negative hit and run smear job, which is being used as a new weapon (linkable smear document) by detractors and competitors, that was made by a user with a throwaway account. The purpose is to keep attempting to spam it, including other negative slander of the author or smearing of the language, all over the internet (HN and other sites). There is nothing "fair" about such hit jobs, nor was it ever intended to be.
They made that one post on GitHub and ran. With no intentions of updating it or correcting its errors, not to interact with anyone, nor to review any other programming languages.
It even refers to an older version of V (0.2 versus 0.3), with various issues that are not even relevant anymore or are their bias one-sided uneducated opinions. It purposely gives readers no balance or an opposing perspective, and is presented with no feedback from Vlang's developers or community (despite having a GitHub account).
Oddly, your account's history and purpose seems to be super laser focused on specifically attacking and trolling anything referring to Vlang.