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You don't have to stop playing. Kasparov (59) still plays here and there and he's still pretty great. Anand is 52 and is 13th in the world.

Chess requires a crazy amount of time invested and you're likely going to stop, and definitely slow, making gains at a certain age. Lots of people play chess for reasons other than becoming the world champion (since obviously most won't).

That said I play online chess too much and it's sort of a waste of time ;)


Being snarky is strickly against hn guidelines. https://news.ycombinator.com/newsguidelines.html Alao sarcasm is generally disliked, usually downvoted.

Disclaimer: not a mod, just want people to be nice to each other. NZer, so I sarc myself, but inappropriate on HN.

ah, well, we've proven again those don't always work over the Internet. I mean Google works but sarcasm and irony not always.

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