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Ha, you like to ask the hard ones, and I have to head out right now :) Short version: for every view of the world, there's things it explains well, and things that are a challenge for it. Some theistic views I think as a whole do a great job of providing a solid worldview. However, problems of evil -- why is there natural evil, moral evil, misery, etc -- these are one of the areas that are probably the biggest challenge for theists that believe in a good God. Needless to say, there's a massive amount of words written about this topic. The short answer is: there is no logical problem of evil -- one where this kind of thing is logically incompatible with the existence of God. i.e., there's no proof that shows that a good God cannot have a reason for allowing evil/suffering/misery/etc. But it still presents an emotional challenge, and it does seem like they're an uncomfortable pair, even if not logically incompatible.

I have my own views on how to explain this, but it would take a fair bit to explain.

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