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I don't mean to suggest that animals don't also have consciousness, or that it's not important to explaining their behavior too.

Why not go the other way and just admit that Descartes gave us the Cartesian plane (among other things) but was at best a product of his time with: “I think therefore I am”.

Descartes was a genius, but he was no Alan Turing, and Alan-fucking-Turing got it wrong on the most famous thing named after him (among the lay population at least). The Turing Test was a great idea, but it’s now trivially useless.

Humans are special to (mostly) themselves and (substantially) other humans.

They are not special to the universe. We’ve had this argument, it was called the “Inquisition” at least once, and we eventually cleared up once and for all what celestial body rotates around the bigger one.

Your position sounds much more religious and dogmatic than those held by the people you are arguing against.

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