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Yes. Lately I’ve found this to be true at my job, with the whole frontend/backend distinction.

Job specialization is good. I mostly write TypeScript, and I can usually contribute the most value to the company by writing TypeScript and sticking to frontend things. Sometimes though, the fastest way to solve a problem is for me to dive into the backend, and I have no qualms with doing so.

Some people on my team treat the “other side” as totally foreign, however. This leads to willful ignorance and glaring inefficiencies. For example, someone asked my senior frontend teammate a question, and the answer could be found trivially by someone with an inkling of backend knowledge. Yet, this person threw up their hands and dragged a backender into the conversation because they couldn’t be bothered to learn a single thing about the backend in the 5 years they’ve been with the company.

Please just be a problem solver. Don’t be just a “backender”, and definitely don’t be just a “Nim developer”.

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