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Of course edw519 doesn't actually cringe. If we were to observe edw519 while he read Zach's post, we wouldn't actually see him cringe. So edw519 is a liar. But of course I don't call him out for being a liar, because exaggeration is something that reasonable people do to make their fucking point.

However, edw519, is specifically making the assertion (no mere suggestion) that in some way his ability to absorb the information that Zach presents is "distracted" (and I assume that means in some way reduced or impaired). All because Zach uses these letters: 'f' 'u' 'c' 'k' one after the other. That's not rational. Its victim mentality.

Imagine a world where one had to moderate what one said or did based on whether or not someone might be offended. Are you going to require that all women wear a burqa so as not to offend our fundamentalist muslim citizens?

No. The idea is preposterous.

Oh, but when it comes to your squeamish morality, thats reasonable and Zach should modify his behavior.

Since there is no objective moral reason for Zach not to swear, it comes down to the relationship between Zach and edw519. edw519 is saying either "don't swear or i wont listen", or "poor me, you swear and i get all distracted and just can't help myself". One is a threat and one is victimhood, and neither have a consequence for Zach.

So my advice on meditation is sincerely offered. If one is going to go around in life being upset or distracted by "fuck", that's a pretty sad way to live. If you give someone else power over your emotions or ability to process information that's a victim mentality.

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