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The picture in the article is misleading. It's an image of the Barnard 68 molecular cloud that has nothing to do with Boötes void.

Also, the existence of the void is not at tension with LambdaCDM, the standard model of cosmology, as the article seems to suggest.

Here’s a much better illustration. There are many voids, just as there are many superclusters. They are one of the large scale structures in the universe.


The entire article and the website seems kind of autogenerated

The article is probably machine-translated from Spanish

Located near the constellation of Boötes (or the Boyero)



A "this website doesn't exist" situation maybe. It makes sense. Who needs reality when dreams will suffice?

It says so in the first line: "Gas cloud Barnard 68 gives us an idea of what a space void might look like if we could peer through the stars at one."

But that statement itself is very misleading, because it's using an opaque gas cloud as an illustration of an empty, transparent region of space.

A real picture of The Void is not so void.

I am disappointed and my day is ruined.

Also the article is garbled and gibberish.

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