The poet Edward Estlin Cummings (1894-1962), a shy man, early in his career used the lowercase i for the first-person singular pronoun. (This habit, now commonplace in Internet exchanges, was highly unusual.) Cummings's critics then began referring to him sarcastically in print as e.e. cummings. The practice stuck, and that was how his name appeared on book covers. Does this mean we should all use lower-case letters in spelling his name? Those most familiar with the man think not, and they use ordinary capitalization. Norman Friedman, the founder and then president of the E.E. Cummings Society, summed up the poet's "philosophy of typography" this way: "that he could use caps and lowercase as he wished, but that when others referred to him by name they ought to use caps." [....] Nor is it true that Cummings legally changed his name to lowercase letters. After that story appeared in the preface to a biography about Cummings, his widow angrily denied it.
(copied, by typing, from Garner's Modern English Usage—any errors probably introduced by me, the typist)