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Does anyone actually use cache-oblivious data structure in practice? Not, like, "yes I know there's a cache I will write a datastructure for that", that's common, but specifically cache-oblivious data structures?

People mention them a lot but I've never heard anyone say they actually used them.

To an extent, the B-Tree data structure (and its variants) are cache oblivious. They smoothly improve in performance with more and more cache memory, and can scale down to just megabytes of cache over terabytes of disk.

The issue is that the last tree level tends to break this model because with some caching models it is "all or nothing" and is the biggest chunk of the data by far.

There are workarounds which make it more truly cache oblivious. How often this is used in production software? Who knows...

There are also Judy arrays: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Judy_array

This sounded promising but then I saw a performance benchmark [1] that was done on a pentium(!) with a very suboptimal hash table design compared to [2] and [3].

The Judy site itself [4] is full of phrases like "may be out of date", when the entire site was last updated in 2004. If it was already out of date in 2004...

It seems that Judy arrays are just kind of a forgotten datastructure, and it doesn't look promising enough for me to put in effort to revive it. Maybe someone else will?

[1] http://www.nothings.org/computer/judy/

[2] https://probablydance.com/2017/02/26/i-wrote-the-fastest-has...

[3] https://probablydance.com/2018/05/28/a-new-fast-hash-table-i...

[4] http://judy.sourceforge.net/

Judy arrays are (under the covers) a kind of radix tree, so they are comparable to things like ART (adaptive radix tree), HAMT (hashed array-mapped trie), or my qp-trie. Judy arrays had some weird issues with patents and lack of source availability in the early days. I think they are somewhat overcomplicated for what they do.

Regarding cache-friendiness, a neat thing I discovered when implementing my qp-trie is that it worked amazingly well with explicit prefetching. The received wisdom is that prefetching is worthless in linked data structures, but the structure of a qp-trie makes it possible to overlap a memory fetch and calculating the next child, with great speed benefits. Newer CPUs are clever enough to work this out for themselves so the explicit prefetch is less necessary than it was. https://dotat.at/prog/qp/blog-2015-10-11.html

I guess I partly got the idea for prefetching from some of the claims about how Judy arrays work, but I read about them way back in the 1990s at least 15 years before I came up with my qp-trie, and I don't know if Judy arrays actually use or benefit from prefetch.

It seems to me that the project is still active,: https://sourceforge.net/p/judy/bugs/29/

Cache-obliviousness is an important part of the whole array-of-structs vs structs-of-arrays. One of the advantages of the struct-of-arrays strategy is that it is cache-oblivious.

Cache oblivious data structures are absolutely used in every serious database.

From what I remember/can find online (don't take this as a reference): B-tree: relational DB, SQLite, Postgres, MySQL, MongoDB. B+-tree: LMDB, filesystems, maybe some relational DBs. LSM trees (Log-structured merge tree, very cool) for high write performance: LevelDB, Bigtable, RocksDB, Cassandra, ScyllaDB, TiKV/TiDB. B-epsilon tree: TokuDB, not sure if it exists anymore. COLA (Cache-oblivious lookahead array): I don't know where it's used.

Maybe modern dict implementations can qualify too, e.g. Python.

Yes, LSM trees are specifically designed with this propery in mind.

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