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Video for people who cba digging: https://github.com/abe-101/tube-cast#demo

My guess would be because you're giving people a way to rip off YouTube content but more specifically because you do so in the video at approx 2:05. They're not massive fans of youtube-dl either which wont help, looks like you're using that to rip the vids under the hood.

Best guess, no actual clue.

Yikes, this takes YT videos and rehosts the audio on Anchor. I'm sure OP thought this was a nifty productivity tool, but this is also an easy way to automate content theft. I'm in the podcast biz and it's a big problem that really anyone can just download and rehost content with their own ads layered on and there's no easy way to stop them.

> I'm in the podcast biz and it's a big problem that really anyone can just download and rehost content with their own ads layered on and there's no easy way to stop them.

How often does this happen in practice and how does it happen? It's not like I google for a podcast each time I want to listen to the new episode and might get sucked into a fake search results with different ads. I add a feed to my podcast app and never touch it again (and I'm adding from a curated podcast catalogue, read: official podcasts only). Maybe if you were trolling for an ad-free feed you might find something but I've never seen what you are describing in the wild.

Honestly, no idea. There's no easy way to police it. We've only ever caught one perp and it was just from someone tweeting at us about it. Yes, platforms like Apple and Spotify will generally try to keep copycats out of their catalogs, but since RSS feeds can come from anywhere, it's pretty easy to setup a fake feed and findable in Google.

You have a valid point. It can see how this tool can be used with malicious intent.

I built it for a local learning organization that streams their lectures on YouTube. They approached me to help them get their content over to podcast. The tool did the job and eliminated many hours of tedious manual work

I'm curious what your workflow is like? How do YouTube content creators get their content over to podcasts?

I have yet to find a working paid service that does it

I've picked up a lot of pitchforks for YouTube channels before. I do this because I want YouTube to improve and I value the creators' intentions to educate, entertain, inform through the platform.

This time, I am not so sure. I'm gonna leave the pitchfork at home. I think YouTube might be getting it right more than they used to.

Do let us know if Github ever has a problem with your project, and next time don't be so obtuse.

Interestingly enough part of this project is taken from https://github.com/Schrodinger-Hat/youtube-to-anchorfm whichh also converts YouTube videos into Anchor FM podcasts but does so in a Docker container in github actions. That clearly violates GitHubs TOS:

  "Actions should not be used for any activity unrelated to the
  production, testing, deployment, or publication of the software
  project associated with the repository where GitHub Actions are

You seem like a young and eager engineer. You drove your car into a tar pit. You can stand on top of it and yell and scream until you are blue in the face, and everyone will agree with you that nobody should have put this tar pit here in the first place. But you won't ever get your car out.

Is your passion to make things or burn down corporations on technicalities? If it's really the latter, I'd suggest law school. Either way, get after it!

I like your analogy. I actually had a very positive experience with GitHub. They warned me that the above mention action violated their TOS. My understanding of the problem is that it use's GitHub action as a "free" cloud service when it only meant for testing and deployment... So I created this tool which accomplishes the same thing from just on your local machine.

I do enjoy using my creativity to build things

The tool does use yd-dlp which is a fork of youtube-dl That could be the reason it was suspended

Thank you for putting a link to the project. I realized now that I mistakenly left that out.

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