I discovered something like this nearby to me recently. Not salt water since we're about two hours from the ocean, but a lake with playgrounds, beaches and forested walking areas. The lake is man made to cool the nearby nuclear plant and I suspect these were built as a concession to the state, but they're very well maintained and nice. I take my three year old fishing and to the playground and he loves it.
> Not salt water since we're about two hours from the ocean [...] The lake is man made to cool the nearby nuclear plant
Rancho Seco? I grew up near there and have fond memories of it. The nuclear plant was shut down a couple years before I was born, but the structures are still standing; IIRC it's (slowly) being turned into a solar power station.
Nah, I moved out to NC from SoCal last year. Harris Lake is the place I'm talking about, cools down Shearon Harris nuclear plant. Looks like thats up around Sacramento? My cousin recently moved to Modesto from PA so I'll recommend it to him.