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The courts aren't exactly doing a stellar job of watching out for the interests of individuals, either.

Yes, but what we have is a batshit, crazy legislative branch and a Newspeak executive branch. Compared to the other 2 the courts have the dubious distinction of being the least likely to ride roughshod over the Bill of Rights.

You don't like any of the three branches and compare the executive to a totalitarian Big Brother.

What do you suggest as an alternative?

I didn't mention Big Brother you did. I'm speaking of the fact that the Obama administration says one thing while doing another. Saying they'll back off from medical marijuana dispensaries and then go full hilt on raiding them. Saying they'll do a serious investigation into the lead up to the Iraq War then sweeping it under the bridge. In fact, with the warrantless wiretaps, broad surveillance powers, and continuation of Bush laws that he promised to repeal, maybe Big Brother is apt for this administration.

And God forbid we get an actual, real criminal investigation into the financial crisis.

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