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Palin meets ELIZA via Markov chains (palinspeak.com)
6 points by brendano on Oct 1, 2008 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

I generated a 100 word Markov-chain-text with my own program based on this text: http://wwwwakeupamericans-spree.blogspot.com/2008/09/text-of...

" you to the public education better. And in which crowds are too big ... raise payroll taxes go to be specific. The right here tonight, and power of our European allies by the status quo, to bring about how evil is not looking through a message: For a great state senate. This world of one step farther away ... when he promises more. Taxes are seeking new-clear plants ... he refused to the story all by vetoing wasteful spending: nearly forty billion dollar natural gas prices went up to reduce the crowd fades away from tomorrow - not long ago"

another: " you to the matter squarely. There is the same ups and defend America. I accept the maverick of adversity than see us through a tough fight our state back to the ones who knows the planet? The answer is a crucial hour for you to prefer candidates who said that drilling won't solve every woman can assure you it belonged - the journey of that all the government of this week is better than we share, then talks about how bitterly they realize there is to John McCain. The voters knew their usual certitude, they realize there are stirringly summoned"

Would be fun to have a Markov-generated Palin-text next to a real Palin-text and then try to guess which one is the real one.

Perhaps we could get her one of the "I failed the Turing Test" t-shirts from ThinkGeek.

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