I read the blog post and the Java documentation (which is more informative), and maybe I missed it, but I can't figure out how you define the # of streams/partitions. Is it defined when the superstream is created?
What's the general practice for multi-tenancy? Say we have millions of clients with thousand being added daily and for various reasons, at least for _some_ message types, we'd like to keep them separate (for example, maybe strict ordering is super important, so we can't throw messages away, but we don't want a poison message to impact all customers).
What's the general practice for multi-tenancy? Say we have millions of clients with thousand being added daily and for various reasons, at least for _some_ message types, we'd like to keep them separate (for example, maybe strict ordering is super important, so we can't throw messages away, but we don't want a poison message to impact all customers).