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I see it as a ladder of reducing complexity. There is you, power Joe and regular Joe. You can write a program in Assembly or C with syscalls and char ptrs, but then power Joe cannot. You both can write a program in C# or Java with their runtimes, but then regular Joe cannot. All of you can write electron and pyqt.

If we didn’t climb from KBs/MHz to GBs/GHz, only few vendors could ship their software, and that would suck even more.

For some reason there is no simple compiled language with simple but powerful runtime which could do the same thing electron does in KBs/MHz. It is not unrealistic and I think the problem lies within us, our methodologies and tradition to overcomplicate everything we touch. So anyone who tries to make a ladder has to cut through layers and layers of nonsensical abstractions, sacrificing performance and memory here and there, and only then you get something that business people can use.

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