I'm generally a proponent of OO, and I actually think this kind of filtering chain is one of a number of places where fp code can be more readable than imperative loops.
It's exactly the experiences I've had trying to read functional-style Rust code that uses higher-order function methods as a replacement for control flow primitives.
I only write code in an FP language and it never looks like that. Usually I’m passing function results into another function or into a match to break out success and failure states. It doesn’t have to be Haskell wizardry, or even clever.
if timeslots.stream().matchNone(Timeslot::hasntEnded) {
new Timeslot()
Would be an improvement I guess. The way I found this code it was also wrapped in a @Transaction so it creates a new object in the database with spring magic. There was a lot of other things wrong with the code, that was not my point though. Lots of people just think FP better and of course in theory they are right but most people don't think for themselfs.
People are quick to act insulted whenever I give some critical remarks about FP.
When would you use a forEach function instead of a for each statement, I suggest maybe only use the function if the callback is actually a higher order function you get from somewhere else as I don't see the point of wrapping your logic in a closure.
Same thing with the use of observables/reactivity in UI programming, again it is illegal to question this orthodoxy. But then you take a look at how graphics programmers use immediate mode programming and fancy compute shaders to draw the entire frame every frame it makes me smile at how much simpler everything becomes.