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"If you are working with a database, I would hope that you do not allow your expectations to be set by the marketing department. If you don't do your due diligence then you deserve to be bitten."

That's the real definition of "hard to use": you have to research everything yourself and send the product through QA just to use it.

There's a very high value in products where you don't have to do a lot of research on the implementation quality and caveats. If you start using it, and it appears to work for your needs, you won't be bitten too badly later. In my opinion, PostgreSQL is an example of such a product.

Of course there is always some opportunity to do the wrong thing. It's a question of degree.

Following your advice would essentially mean "only big companies can ever release anything" because you'd need a team of full-time people to sit around doing research and QA for libc and the kernel and everything else you depend on.

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