Bitcoin is """"worth"""" a trillion dollars. It's not a free money machine, It's is a shitty payment system, not a P2P network unless you are sharing your blog over OP_RETURN.
>Meanwhile 20+ years of effort into creating P2P networks has resulted in pretty much nothing
IDK bittorrrent and IPFS just work without inventing a free money machine.
You can download linux install disks over BitTorrent.
>No source control is on P2P
With a system like Git there is no need for such a centralized system. Each user has their own copy of the tree.
>BitTorrent isn't free
Bullshit. It is free. Go on TPB, it's still up. I use it every day and it is leagues faster than any alternative.
If someone sells 100 billion USD of bitcoins, the rest won't be worth 900 billion USD any more. A market price does not work that way. The rest would probably be worth another 100 billion or nothing at all. The price would drop even while selling off the first 10%, so even getting 10% of the nominal value out could be impossible when owning every last one at the start.
Or to put it another way: No one, at any point, put that much money into the system.
Also, it costs our environment a lot. Soon I would join the ranks of luddites, if science and anything digital was not that much more interesting to me than plainly surviving.
Bitcoin is """"worth"""" a trillion dollars. It's not a free money machine, It's is a shitty payment system, not a P2P network unless you are sharing your blog over OP_RETURN.
>Meanwhile 20+ years of effort into creating P2P networks has resulted in pretty much nothing
IDK bittorrrent and IPFS just work without inventing a free money machine.
You can download linux install disks over BitTorrent.
>No source control is on P2P
With a system like Git there is no need for such a centralized system. Each user has their own copy of the tree.
>BitTorrent isn't free
Bullshit. It is free. Go on TPB, it's still up. I use it every day and it is leagues faster than any alternative.