there are certainly strong forces dividing the populace and turning them against each other...the media is one of those forces, the primary force...but one big question is whether the media is just a tool in the hands of the corporations that fund the media via advertising purchases? Would these corporations want the populace divided? Yes, of course they would...divide et impera, aka divide and conquer has long been the preferred tactic of the elites...the USA was created under the guiding rubric of divide et impera: see Dr Woody Holton's book Unruly Americans, where he shows how the founding fathers created the enlarged federal voting districts and separation of powers/checks and balances form of federal govt in order to prevents the proles from uniting against the elites...
the current propaganda regime directed by the media implements divide et impera by demonizing the largest demographic bloc and using propaganda (starting with the educational curriculum) to turn the the smaller demographic blocs against the largest and most powerful demographic bloc....the elites are using divide et impera and racial diversity as its tool...
the current propaganda regime directed by the media implements divide et impera by demonizing the largest demographic bloc and using propaganda (starting with the educational curriculum) to turn the the smaller demographic blocs against the largest and most powerful demographic bloc....the elites are using divide et impera and racial diversity as its tool...