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New WebKit Web Inspector: debugging, profiling, FireBug-compatible console API, and more (webkit.org)
27 points by mqt on Oct 1, 2008 | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments

I've been using the nightly for a while and so far the Web Inspector has been fantastic. Good enough where I've almost completely rid myself the dependence of Firebug on FF. However the one gripe I have is that when checking the color in CSS its displayed as RGB values instead of hex. The issue is on file in their bug tracker but not sure when it'll get resolved. Not a show stopper but just annoying.

Just noticed this in Safari 4 Beta. Really good. If it only had a better logger for activity (including network activity) it would rock.

How so? the inspector in the nightlies is vastly improved over the dev preview, but if there's anything missing you should file a feature request at http://bugs.webkit.org

Did you see the network pane in the blog post? It's better than what was in the beta.

Is it? It looks similar.

It's improved, the entire look has not been redone -- obviously there's no point in throwing out the good bits :D

Safari 4 beta? How d'you get that?

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