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The Tuxedo Pulse 2 looks amazing. They really addressed all of the complaints we had (purchased at the beginning of the year for our company).

I still have minor nitpicks with it, but those pale in comparison with the display port upgrade they did.

For me the worst on the Pulse is the battery. Had to change one after one year and the new one is losing charge at a seemingly higher pace than other machines. :(

I have a 2y old PF5NU1G (a second run Mechrevo CODE 01) as well, and the battery has decayed to ~73Wh (from a 91Wh original design). The one bright side is that the replacement battery, PFIDG-03-13-3S2P-0, seems to be pretty cheap ($60, shipped by boat from China) if you know you're going to stick to the same laptop for a while... https://www.aliexpress.com/i/3256803017144797.html

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