Remove the buttons entirely and replace with a QRcode/NFC thing where each rider can vote/unvote where he personally wants to go. This can also work outside before the elevator arrives so a routing system can decide to bundle up a bunch of people going to the same floor in one express elevator. Haven't thought out how the ux would look to keep the wrong people out of that one elevator.
Many elevators in tall buildings have you select the floor when you arrive at the elevator bank, then it assigns you an elevator (usually denoted with letters A, B, C, D etc). When that elevator opens you get in (along with other people who were assigned that elevator), and it will stop at your floor (as well as other floors for other people).
> Remove the buttons entirely and replace with a QRcode/NFC thing where each rider can vote/unvote where he personally wants to go.
My local pizza place plays music based on customer voting through a smartphone app. It's not necessary to be there in order to vote - you just need the app.
This elevator design could be fun in similar ways.