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I believe this can be taken as an axiom: there's nothing a human eye can see that a machine cannot.

Isn't the opposite of your assertion the whole reason reCaptcha (and its dumbass hcaptcha competitor) exists?

Maybe you were asserting only on written text, and not machine vision in the general case -- but even then I'd bet that only applies to very regular text, and not handwritten items

Are you asserting that reCaptcha is not solvable by OCR?

It's a two parter if so. First, the main reCaptcha checks are via JS, that's what determines your likelihood to be a bot and the difficulty of the check. That's a cat and mouse game, but ultimately the client wins.

Second is the images like road signs, red lights, etc. can be solved via OCR, and there are services that do so. But reCaptcha keeps a decent amount of the opportunistic actors out, so it's good enough for the industry.

But I will give you that currently the human captcha services have a better solve rate, albeit they are more expensive, but it's been getting closer and closer and it's more economical to use an OCR service.

But there are many things that the machine can read, that is completely unintelligible to (most) humans.

except for beauty.

Sure thing. Machines can see, not appreciate, evaluate or contemplate the same way humans could.

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