Off course they don't agree. Though I have asked numerous times to come up with scientific research or arguments that prove the science in e.g. Accelerate! wrong, no-one, not even the strongest opponent of CI, TDD or such, ever has produced that.
Instead, people come with handwavy nonharguments that "in this particular scenario it is different". To which I neither agree nor disagree. I only have proof that it does apply, even to scenario X. It's up to "you" to then, scientifically prove that it doesn't apply.
Point being: again: we should have discussions about tabs, spaces, TDD, CI, lean, agile, microservices based on scientific research. In a scientific manner. Not based on anecdotes and personal feelings.
Sure, but unless someone's taken the time to do the studies, anecdotes are the best data we have. And I'm not entirely dismissive of personal feelings either, when they're formed as the result of years of experience exploring different techniques. Especially because I tend to feel there's more to software development than just "engineering", and there's a creative side to it that's never going to be completely reducible to whether technique A is measurably better than technique B. Certainly in a tech lead type role, being aware of how those in your team enjoy working individually while still sticking to basic principles and guidelines that allow the team as a whole to produce quality code in a timely fashion is one of hardest balancing acts to get right.
But when there's clear and accessible science proving those anecdotal and personal feelings the ball is with "you".
It's now up to you to show some scientific method, data and theses, to prove the other science wrong.
Or, in other words: if science and "personal feelings" disagree, it's very obvious what should be considered the right take. Until the time that personal feeling is proven right. Scientific.
Instead, people come with handwavy nonharguments that "in this particular scenario it is different". To which I neither agree nor disagree. I only have proof that it does apply, even to scenario X. It's up to "you" to then, scientifically prove that it doesn't apply.
Point being: again: we should have discussions about tabs, spaces, TDD, CI, lean, agile, microservices based on scientific research. In a scientific manner. Not based on anecdotes and personal feelings.