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I'm living this right now.

It's why when I have greenfield I do vanilla web components, with a little lit-html sprinkled in for fast rendering.

I've seen so many developers complain about how complex vanilla web components are, and they'll turn around and do React / Vue / Angular and Redux or (shudder) rxjs, etc...

I just don't get it.

Like, if you need reactivity... Stick a render call into the setter of a plain old property.

If you don't, use a variable.

The whole computed() thing with Vue makes things so complex... I have to deal with a huge rabbit hole of that stuff all the time.

I think to myself... I could just use a property, and I wouldn't need a whole painful build step, type definitions, framework version specific DSLs, massive complex source maps that don't work, Rube Goldberg state machines, crazy pseudo DOM elements that aren't really DOM elements, unless they are, or a ref to something magic that might end up being a DOM element someday, obscure dependency injection cruft that's done way better by just using dynamic imports...

I remember when I couldn't wait for Proxy to be widely supported by browsers.

Now I'd do anything to be able to shove that toothpaste back into the tube.

I don't know.

I don't see any of this providing any value.

I feel like the emperor has no clothes, but everyone else thinks he's wearing Armani.

I am in front end webdev, and a lot of time I have had design colleagues that came up with crazy paid solutions for something as simple as a pop up. When I overheard and mentioned I could implement that in 2 hours tops it was a bit of a no brainer. The pure design folks often don’t know the tools or what’s possible.

To this day I just do mysql/php/js and simple ajax calls for a lot of solutions. Most clients are in the 100k-500k of hits and it works fine.

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