The header and footer, including the logo hide on mobile during scroll because mobile safari doesn’t send enough info to position them accurately during flicks. Are you seeing flickering on iOS or android?
I released an update that allows you to turns off sticky card animations for new users, and after 20 cards are created, 'unlock's the feature and allows you to turn it off if you'd like.
I think they need to be more smooth in order to look natural, so I would try with some basic easeInOut or easeOut instead of the jumpy movement and then go from there.
In my opinion interaction animations should be really fast, otherwise they slow down some users.
I also wonder if there is a timing issue with invoking the animations. Some of them get invoked immediately on hover and some of them seem to be delayed.
it's hard to tell whether the animations are functioning as designed for you, it's possible they're bugging out/skipping frames on your device. If you're able to email me a screencast (, or post on the forums at that'd be super useful for tweaking things