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> since all our languages are essentially procedural (functional, OO) that means expressing the UI as a procedure (function/method).

I understand 'functional' to be used as the direct contrast to 'procedural'! Is that not your understanding?

> So what is the actual innovation? It is more or less directly and visibly expressing the UI in code.

The 'visibly' part here doesn't really actually hold true, does it? Once you've componentized your <swiftui/react/html/[VFL](https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/Us...>, it's probably not super visibly understandable.

The best definition i can think of for declarative UI frameworks is probably something closer to 'frameworks that optimize for your ability to make a pure function representing state'.

(After all `[[UIViewController alloc] init]` does indeed purely say 'you have view controller' — that's just not super granular!)

In this light, isn't SwiftUI just a setup more optimized in this direction

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