R.E the Shopify example, would building a Shopify App Store app not be viable or would it just be inevitable for a bigger software org to copy what you’re doing and sell.
When I say 'Shopify Store' I mean for a niche provider of some physical good.
Imagine there is 'no market' for a specific kind of custom bike pedal maker for any individual city. Too small. But across North America - well - maybe there is enough of a market. Shopify enables little long tail retailers that may not exist otherwise, that can legitimately creative value and do something the 'Big Cos' cannot.
As for 'selling software' I'm not sure how Shopify works for that, though I can vouch that they have a good website maker, I like it better than Wix.
Indie Hacker is a neat place, probably some very good advice for tooling and tricks to use at the micro scale, just understand there's probably a fair bit of BS going on there, and that it's definitely oriented towards 'small time thinking'. Which is fine, but just be wary that's what it's about.
What are your thoughts on indie hacker?