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As someone who has an interest in etymology and historical changes in vocabulary, I'm always amused by how fruitless the attempts to avoid negative connotations have been with regards to terms that used to be considered "normal" terms to describe mental disabilities.

All of these words described some forms of mental disability before becoming swear words and being banned from "respected" language use : Idiot, cretin, retard, moron, dotard, feeble-minded, imbecile, lunatic. Attempts at being as distantiated as possible from describing illnesses have become swear words in themselves. "special" has become an insult depending on context. As did "challenged", "delusional", "deranged", "demented". Replacing old words that became swear words with new words has never worked. The new words that describe the disabilities become swear words as soon as they become commonplace in the language. You may not be able to write "retard" on a filtered chat, but saying that someone is "fit to win at the special olympics" will work just as well and be left unfiltered. Until "special" too gets banned, and then whatever word replaces it will be the new insult in the eternal cycle.

I've added this to the list of things that lead us all into totalitarianism long ago.

Thanks for the nice, confirming write-up!

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