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The OOP parts in the PHP manual haven't been given anywhere near enough care and attention than the old bits. Unless it's core functionality, good luck finding decent doc for the extensions listed.

    Class:nameOfFunction - *the Name of Function purpose*
Some of the SPL classes are equally amusing, especially when you get as far as `RecursiveIteratorIterator` and, to recursively scan a directory (OOP stylee):

    $iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator('/path/to/directory'), RecursiveIteratorIterator::SKIP_DOTS);
Now I make use of that and, syntax aside, it's pretty handy for the stuff you get back from it, but for the best part some of these PHP extensions are a waste of time. There's bugger all documentation and, quite often, they're missing basic methods that you can already do procedurally.

Why would anyone want to spend time figuring out this framework extension, or the OOP PHP stuff like SPL and Imagick, with no documentation, when there are plenty well established ones out there that have mountains of it?

There's more like that elsewhere in the PHP docs (at least, last time I went looking).

PHP used to be minutely documented, with copious examples, which was why it was so easy to learn. Now, not so much, it seems.

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