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Show HN: Inject TailwindCSS into HTML Templates (github.com/snehesht)
10 points by snehesht on July 3, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments

I don't really understand why people would use something like that instead of writing pure css. The amount of the code you're writing is same, plus you need to remember class names.

This is exactly why I don't use it. I don't really care if my css is a little bit messy, but I already know almost every css attribute, why I should start memorizing a lot of other names?

Yes. And what happens when an element defined by utility classes only needs to change properties in different context?

You just create another class. Or you use "style" attribute if it's not worth for defining a class. This is what cascading styles (css) stand for.

You have a lot of options and definitely using a different class for each style attribute (what tailwind or bootstrap utilities do) is not one of them.

Tailwind has a bit of learning curve but once you start using it, it makes your work a lot easier.

Pure css doesn't have any learning curve. Learning css makes your work a lot easier too

I've been trying to use TailwindCSS in email templates, this package is born from one of those experiments.

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