Very good reading. I always say that when people say "hey, remember when we had 10G hard drives. They were so small". People don't realize that today we have bigger drives but we also have bigger files. Of course our pictures today have better quality, but proportionately we have similar storage capacity as we had in the early 2000's
That's true of course to some extent, but I don't think the trend will continue on quite as drastically.
Like sure, you have games nowadays like RDR2, CoD, that have inflated to absurd file sizes of up to like 200 GB, compared to only a few gigs for AAA games maybe 10 years ago, but you also for examplehave more powerful hardware and more advanced compression like x265 which can store vastly more video in a lot less space than it was ever possible before since it can be decoded and unpacked in real time.
It used to take 4.7 GB of a DVD to hold a single movie at an abysmal 480p resolution, whereas nowadays you can pack a full HD one in easily a quarter of that size. I'm sure this will get even more extreme as processing power increases.