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Maximum Power in Nature: c⁵/4G ≈ 9 ⋅ 10⁵¹ W (motionmountain.net)
5 points by PrettyPebble on July 2, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

In nature, the maximum power value c⁵/4G ≈ 9 ⋅ 10⁵¹ W cannot be exceeded, as stated by Sciama in 1973. Still not much known, the value limits the power of explosions, the luminosity of stars and that of merging black holes. It is also a simple summary of general relativity.

In this house we obey the law of general relativity and forces over c⁵/4G will not be tolerated.

But could someone please explain a little? If I have a widget that does c⁵/4G watts of work when I turn it on, what happens when I turn on a second one? Nothing? Distance between widgets doesn't matter?

If you try to produce more power than c⁵/4G at a single point, a black hole horizon appears and will make exceeding the limit impossible.

So that's a limit on power per cubic planck, and you can do it again if you shift one planck over?

Maybe you have to shift a bit more ...

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