While the content of the website appears to be down now, according to the whois[1], the website registration itself with it being registered to Nissan Computer Corp. does not expire until 2024.
I'd be up to contribute some funds to have a $5 DO droplet serving the website for some time as well. I'll start by committing to one year of hosting ($60). I'll never buy a Nissan because of their actions against nissan.com, but somehow it doesn't always feel like enough.
Probably not even necessary to do that much. Point it at Cloudflare backed by an S3 bucket with a single "in memorandum" page and host it until the end of technology as we know it for ~$1.
I've learnt my lesson to depend as little as possible on vendors with specific technologies when you want to keep something alive for a long, long time. The less reliance on specific closed-source & cloud technologies, the better.
In this case S3 is just a thing that can serve a static HTML page, which I'm not sure I would consider proprietary in any way, and Cloudflare is just a way to serve it basically for free.
This isn't anything that has proprietary risk of not being supportable/migratable if necessary.
[1]: https://who.is/whois/nissan.com