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Location: Portland, OR

Remote: Required

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: JS, Node, React, Go, Ruby and Ruby on Rails, many static site generators, Docker, Linux, and much more

Résumé/CV: https://benaiah.me/assets/resume.pdf

GitHub: https://github.com/benaiah

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/benaiahmischenko/

Website: https://benaiah.me

Email: benaiah@mischenko.com

I have over a decade of experience working at all levels of the stack. After nearly five years at Netlify, I took some time off to work on authorship projects and I'm now finally ready for another opportunity. I've worked on a very complex entirely front-end application allowing you to do content management for static sites (https://netlifycms.org), build infrastructure powering the sites of hundreds of thousands of users, and many other projects. I'd love to join a team doing socially meaningful work at scale with interesting technologies. Please reach out if you are looking for someone with my experience or know someone who is.

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