Physically, RAM chips have transistors in linear arrangments, one after the other.
Storage cell #1,334,455,224 is physically next to storage cell #1,334,455,223. Both may contain data from different "objects", or not. That does not change the physical reality.
Having a representation of reality in your system/software can be helpful in many cases. A nefarious example would be if you were attempting to write a rowhammer attack. How would you do that if the computer cannot reason about the physical location of storage cells in RAM?
Storage cell #1,334,455,224 is physically next to storage cell #1,334,455,223. Both may contain data from different "objects", or not. That does not change the physical reality.
Having a representation of reality in your system/software can be helpful in many cases. A nefarious example would be if you were attempting to write a rowhammer attack. How would you do that if the computer cannot reason about the physical location of storage cells in RAM?