Related question: most of the companies I know that have large monorepos have a sizable dedicated team to support their dev tools, and have invested a lot to make monorepos feasible.
Are there any recommendations or standardized tools for structuring monorepos for companies that don't have a dedicated dev tools team? Last I checked, lerna seemed to be the most common tool to support JS monorepos - is that still true? Is there a better tool for a primarily Typescript codebase (primarily React on the front end, Node on the backend, but also native mobile apps)?
We recently used Turborepo -- -- for a project that started as a two Electron-based builds that quickly escalated to a three Electron-based build. Once we had it set up for the two, it was quite easy to add one more. Our shared components were in a central package while custom ones existed in their respective app directories.
The nice thing with this type of separation for us is being able to target CI/CD scripts to specific apps. Previously we were using targeted dev script logic to initiate the different app builds which just wasn't maintainable. This new approach this time around made for Electron deployments to be super simple, consistent, and repeatable.
All this was done by two team members on dev side.
In JS/TS world, until recently yarn was a de facto tool for monorepos. Recently pnpm looks like getting traction. There are a few other new tools recently getting popular as well, it's a hot topic.
npm itself has also upstreamed more "workspace" support for monorepos. It's not necessarily the best tool for the job, but it's a possible tool.
Also incremental build support in Typescript itself has seen a lot of improvements in recent versions. It is useful to check if your monorepo can benefit from Typescript incremental builds.
Are there any recommendations or standardized tools for structuring monorepos for companies that don't have a dedicated dev tools team? Last I checked, lerna seemed to be the most common tool to support JS monorepos - is that still true? Is there a better tool for a primarily Typescript codebase (primarily React on the front end, Node on the backend, but also native mobile apps)?