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It may be worth point to the NYT article [1] that Ackman was reading and tweeted [2] about.

While this is about Child Pronography. And we should have zero tolerance. I do think Visa and Master overstep and took the action to be basically against porn. The case against porn only got backlash when Onlyfans were hit with similar issues.

I could have rant about American companies like Visa and Master policing thoughts again, but both of them have been somewhat respectful in most cases. Their challenge to the EU court have been thoughtful and well reasoned even though you might disagree with them. Compare them to Silicon Valley Big Tech, which somehow all became social justice companies and full of self righteousness.

[1] https://www.nytimes.com/2020/12/04/opinion/sunday/pornhub-ra...

[2] https://twitter.com/BillAckman/status/1335244143950442496

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