Why hasn't crypto made inroads into this world yet? Porn is historically an early adopting industry (online payments, thumbnail play w/scroll, VR, etc.) and this seems like a theoretically optimal use case where someone would desire some level of anonymity or at least some obfuscation as to their identity
> Why hasn't crypto made inroads into this world yet?
Why do you assume it hasn't? If I try to purchase premium on PornHub[1], it ONLY shows cryptocurrency as an option, and says: "Unfortunately we are unable to accept credit cards at this moment"
(Maybe in other regions it's different)
And I'm sure almost all porn websites accept crypto.
Also 4chan pass[2], can ONLY be purchased with crypto as well.
Hey, what do you know! I've never actually clicked through to subscribe on any of these sites, I just assumed from the article and all the comments that there was no alternative to the Visa/Mastercard duopoly. Thoughts on why it hasn't achieved much adoption?
> Thoughts on why it hasn't achieved much adoption?
You mean crypto for porn payments, or crypto in general?
If crypto is not only accepted on basically all porn websites, but also the only option in many of them, then I'd say adoption is quite good. If PornHub accepts only crypto, and (someone on this post claimed) that half of their income comes from subscribers, then a significant amount of people must be using crypto to pay for porn.
We probably just don't hear about it because people are ashamed of spending money on porn.
Hmmmm, maybe because both of them allow people to pay with credit card and send crypto. True decentralized payments would be crypto to crypto but that would force users to hold that crypto in a wallet.
Solana still regularly goes down because it has little rate limiting or DDoS protection. Until that is fixed it's unlikely many will adopt it for payments.