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Ok, well if he's only considering "one day before birth" scenarios he's gone reductio ad absurdum on the whole issue and he's also fighting a roughly nonexistent boogeyman. His own personal strawman, if you will.

It’s just a way to show that a fetus is still something. With pure materialist mindset we would say that it’s progressively closer to being a human as we get close to birth.

I find it strange that we get from zero value before birth to full human live once born and try to disregard the baby before birth.

I think we have to do a conscience examination, are we blind to something because it’s more convenient for us?

> I find it strange that we get from zero value before birth to full human live once born and try to disregard the baby before birth.

Do we though? Abortions statistics would show that progressively fewer abortions are performed the later the pregnancy, with 99% occurring before 21 weeks.

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