Reading the discussion here, I can't help but thinking that people are defending their own philosophies: OOP vs FP vs DOP vs etc. I wish the author had killer applications or killer examples in different categories, like can I code an operating system easier, can I code a database easier, can I create a complex streaming job easier, can I write a library as complex as Apache BEAM easier, can I write a compiler easier, can I create a web framework easier, can I write a JSON parser easier, you get the idea. Or maybe examples that contrast existing solutions: how do I use DOP to write a better RxJava? how do I use DOP to write a better SqlLite? How do I use DOP to write a better graph library? How do I use DOP to write a better tensor library? how to do use DOP to write a better Time/Date library? You know, something that's so compelling and so obvious.
I have to agree here - there is total disconnect from context in these discussions.
I am writing business line applications - I don't have much need for "generic" functions like outlined in the article. My framework/language provides for example generic .Sum() I could use if I implement specific interface.
But usually I have to make specific sum and put it in database or in the interface.
Like I need to sum age or sum prices or sum amount of items in inventory - and I have to show these in the interface. I think it is quite BS to say there can be "generic" data structure and "generic" functions in context of business line application.
Other stuff I was doing was warehouse automation system and if I had X,Y,Z coordinates I had these in generic data structure named Coordinates - but any function that was going to do anything with coordinates had to be implemented in the context of machine. For example lift should never operate on X cooridinate I could calculate distances - but then there was never use case to calculate distance between machines because these had static access points and one would calculate distances to these access points only.
You'll have to define "OOP" first. Everyone thinks its defined, but even among OOP proponents there isn't consensus ("it's about message passing", "it's about encapsulation", "it's about inheritance", "it's about dot-method syntax", etc).
My point is that the author needs to make it clear what exactly DOP can do better for. OOP, whatever how that is defined, is just an example of what people discussed under the OP.
One way to define it is to look at the thing that's unique to OOP that isn't used in any other paradigm.
In OOP data and method are unionized into primitives that form the basic building blocks of your program.
This is unique to OOP. It must be the definition. Defining it in terms of message passing, encapsulation and inheritance are not as good because these concepts are used in other paradigms as well.
Wouldn’t closures and let’s say “type-driven” also support your definition?
It’s quite tricky as and fun(sometuple) might as well be interchangeable. If you really want to support a formal definition it would probably be best to have it in denotational semantics… not an easy task.
Closures aren't reusable across a whole program unlike classes since their type isn't named, and they don't allow to have more than one operation on the data held by the closure. They really are "poor man's objects" ;p
they allow as many operations as you need, just pass in a "method name" :)
const p = Point(3, 5)
p('getX') // 3
p('up', 11)('toString') // "Point(3, 16)"
const Point = (x, y) => (method, ...args) => {
switch (method) {
case 'getX': return x;
case 'getY': return y;
case 'toString': return `Point(${x}, ${y})`
case 'up': return Point(x, y+args[0]);
// ...
(unfortunately statically typing this statically requires... some work, either sth like [typescript overloads + literal types] or full on dependent types)