Ironically, that disc-detainer pick is the one thing that is not available for sale on covertinstruments. I went looking for it the other day and it's not listed at all, not even as "out of stock".
That lock pick was enormously popular and hotly anticipated, because it was designed by Lock Picking Lawyer and Bosnian Bill (two popular YouTubers) and mentioned in their videos. In fact most likely the overwhelming majority of visitors to the Sparrows website were there solely to see that lock pick and had never heard of Sparrows before.
That product description is making light of this reality. No matter what they write in the description field, it's all "blah blah blah" that most readers are going to skip over except the two crucial terms "Lock Picking Lawyer" and "Bosnian Bill." Everything else is wasted space. (And then they just threw in a couple of other random phrases for fun and to see if people were paying attention)